This program establishes a place for children to visit a parent who is currently incarcerated at the 利县 拘留所 in a comforting, 儿童的环境. The program promotes the shared time of a child reading to their parent and allowing the parent to provide positive feedback and acknowledgment of the experience. The supervising parent can select an 年龄-appropriate book for their child to read provided by the Sheriff’s Office through the library. 孩子不仅从父母那里获得阅读的经验, 但也包括他们通常不会经历的图书所有权. After the visit, the child is allowed to keep the book (free of charge) as a reminder of the visit. The visit also exposes the family to other available services from the library.
- Provides a safe, comfortable setting for the child to visit with their incarcerated parent
- Allows the child to share an experience with their incarcerated parent that they normally do not share
- 提供对当地图书馆的访问,这可能通常不会发生
- Provides access to other library programs that they are not aware of availability
- 提供教育书籍的访问和所有权
- Provides quality time with their incarcerated parent with the purpose of the visit
- 促进对阅读和学习的热爱
- 有助于开发孩子的大脑, 专注能力, 浓度, 社交技巧和沟通技巧
- Helps children develop basic langu年龄 skills and profoundly exp和ir vocabularies
- Provides a portal for quality time that is not currently available in the traditional visitation process
- Studies have shown that the more books in a household the greater advancement in education for minor children in the home
- Research has identified vast ‘book deserts’ concentrated in low-income communities across the U.S.—with one community having only a single book to be shared among as many as 830 children.Access to adequate resources is one of the greatest contributors to educational inequality in the United States.
- 51% of students across the nation’s public schools are low income; coming to school without even their basic needs met and under extreme stress.Add to that of the stress of having an incarcerated parent only amplifies stress.
- 让父母分享共同的家庭经历
- Allows the parent to participate in the promoting of reading and learning for their child
- Promotes a safe, positive family visit with their child 和 incarcerated parent
- Provides access to other family services through the library that may not commonly be known or accessed
- 鼓励家长在探访之外多给孩子读点东西
- 鼓励家长亲自多阅读
- Allows the parent to share an experience with their child that they normally do not share
- 为他们的孩子提供有价值的时间
- Allows the parent to participate in the promoting of reading and learning for their child
- Develops the parent’s relationship with their child and demonstrating common parental skills
- Improves the reunification process for the parent in returning to their family and community
- 在监狱里提供积极健康的体验
视频访问只能通过预约. Video visitation users can schedule appointments through Securus Technologies and must be made at least 24 hours in advance.
会话由Securus Technologies控制和监控. 访客必须遵守 LeRoy Collins Leon县公共图书馆行为准则 和 利昂县警长办公室视频探视规则.
If you have any questions about the program, please contact the Library at 850-606-2665.
星期一:下午3点.m. – 6:00 p.m.
星期二:下午3点.m. – 8:00 p.m.
星期四:下午3点.m. – 8:00 p.m.
星期六:上午11点.m. – 4:00 p.m.
周日:下午2点.m. – 5:00 p.m.
这个项目在利昂县的节假日关闭. 查找假期安排 在这里.
在你预定的视频访问之前, 和你的孩子谈谈在治疗过程中会发生什么. 让他们知道他们要去哪里, how long the visit will last and what they’ll be doing together with their parent during the session. 最后说再见对年幼的孩子来说很难, so reassure them that they can come back to the Library for a video visit in the future.
The video visitation room is located on the third floor of the LeRoy Collins 利县 Main Library, 西公园大道200号. 请提前15分钟到达.
当你到达利昂县图书馆时, take the elevator or stairs to the third floor w在这里 you’ll be greeted by a friendly librarian who will welcome you to the space. 然后孩子们选择他们想和他们所爱的人一起读的书. 当会议开始时, children 和ir incarcerated parent can read the book aloud to one another, 这有助于弥合对话的空白, 为父母和孩子提供一个焦点, 并鼓励休闲阅读技能的发展. 可根据阅读水平选择书籍, and children can take the book home as a keepsake at the end of their visit.